4. The Stage Editor

Upon entry into Stage You'll see the three objects You defined in Detail. The Camera is visible in the Front View as a circle with a small line sticking out of it. To see where the Camera is focused, use DISPLAY/CAMERA VIEW. The image in the Perspective view now shows what the Camera is seeing. You should be too close to see anything but the Tube. In the Front view, click on the Camera, in order to activate it for moving. Once selected, use DISPLAY/ZOOM_OUT several times. Click in the right view, use the "Mov" button on the gadget bar, the camera now turns amber. Drag it towards the left in the Right view, at the same time note how the bounding box representation changes in the Perspective view. When the Camera can see everything, hit the Space bar to drop the Camera.

This position must be saved. First it's necessary to place Imagine in the "local" mode. Press the "Loc" button on the gadget bar to do this, use OBJECT/POSITION_BAR. Next PROJECT/SAVE_CHANGES. The Camera's new position has now been recorded.

The Light Source needs to be moved away from its default position of 0, 0, 0. Because the axis for the Path and Track are at the same location, use the PICK_SELECT/FIND_REQUESTOR command. Click on Light Source in the resulting requestor, and then OK. A circle at the center of the view is now Picked, use PICK_SELECT/PICK_SELECT to activate the Light for moving. In a fashion similar to the Camera, move the Light Source away from the center, drop the Light near the Camera, be sure to be in local mode and save the Light's position just as the Camera's was saved.

Before exiting the Stage You'll want to preview the animation. Use ANIMATION/MAKE and just hit enter/return when presented with the requestor reading 1, 36, 1. You will be asked which method You want to use for the anim pencil test, namely, Full Objects Only, Use Object Settings or Bounding Boxes Only. Select Full Objects Only. Imagine will then proceed to step through each frame, moving the Sphere around the Tube along the Path. When this is done, use ANIMATE/PLAY_LOOP. The wire frame anim will probably be too fast. Use the "Slow...Fast" slider on the anim controller panel that appears when the anim is played to slow it down. When the anim plays smoothly just Stop it and return to the Project editor. When You SAVE CHANGES at exit the rate of display You set in the test render will be used for the final anim.

Had the preview shown that the Sphere had moved out of view, You would have needed to once again reposition the Camera. At some later date You will want to try moving the Path or the Track around to see how these effect the anim.


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